Desk Reject: der PhD-Cast

Desk Reject: der PhD-Cast

4 Jungforscher diskutieren über das tägliche (Über)leben im PhD Studium

Live from the Coachella of Management Research

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That special time of the year for any researcher- conference season - has come and gone. And for anybody that is doing any kind of research marginally related to management, the Academy of Management Annual Meeting will ring familiar. While opinions to a conference that gathers close to 10.000 people in hotel lobbies and rooms over 5 days polarizes many a scholar (not just in light of the COVID epidemic), the hosts of your favorite podcast were delighted to be part of this year's iteration. While Sophie had her first time experience of AOM, Alexander was thoroughly excited to attend the annual gathering in person again after a 3 year hiatus. Why both hosts fully endorse participating in academic gatherings of this kind, whether it is the AOM or the biggest conference in your field of choice, is the topic of discussion for this episode. The hosts talk about:

  • their general impressions of taking part in a huge US conference after over 2 years of isolation
  • where they see the benefits of taking part in conferences like AOM
  • differences between European and US conferences and scholarship in general
  • the benefits (and drawbacks) of in-person vs virtual conferences
  • their most important tips and biggest regrets with regards to international conferences and as usual, much more. In addition, as a special treat, we have added some feedback from our biggest "fans" that we met at this year's AOM annual meeting. Listen past the credits to learn what others think about our podcasting efforts.

This episode was recorded in Planes, on the road, on rooftops, in a hotel room and on the road.

Music for the intro and outro was provided by: Blue Dot Session

The Logo for our Podcast was designed by: Stephan Kardos (Creative Prism)

This episode was recorded and produced by: Alexander Staub

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Über diesen Podcast

Im podcast "Desk Reject: der PhD-Cast" unterhalten sich die 4 Nachwuchsforscher Sopherl, Sasha, Didi und Boris über alles was angehende, derzeitige oder bereits promovierte PhD oder Doktoratskandidaten beschäftigt. Unter anderem werden Themen angesprochen wie:

- Wieso überhaupt einen PhD oder einen Doktor machen?
- Mit was möchte man sich beschäftigen?
- Mit was beschäftigt man sich tatsächlich?
- Wie geht man mit der Einsamkeit und Ängsten um?
- Wie vereint man Forschung mit Lehrverpflichtung?

Wir finden uns, mehr oder weniger, regelmäßig in, mehr oder weniger, derselben Konstellation im Keller der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien ein, um unsere Halbweisheiten mit der Welt zu teilen.

Disclaimer: Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für den Wahrheitsgehalt unserer Aussagen und raten Zuhöreren davon ab, wichtige Entscheidungen aufgrund unserer Ratschläge zu treffen.

von und mit Sopherl, Sasha, Didi und Boris


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